One of our strengths is in the quality of our equipment, it’s upkeep and our ability to be mobile and tear and down and setup quickly for the next project. We keep all of our equipment in top-notch operating condition so we can minimize any downtime while working on your project. Yes, sometimes machines can break down (like any industry) and if something happens our technicians are well versed in the operation and maintenance of the equipment so we can get back up and running again quickly or replace the machine.
Our Snow Making Equipment List
- 2 Air Compressors (250 CFM Lerio and 185 CFM Lerio)
- 4 Cornice III Snow Guns
- 500+ Feet of 400 PSI Rated Hose for as cold as -40.
- 4 Water Pumps (1 Firemaster and 3 Honda Daleys)
- Heated Trailer For Safe Equipment Storage.
We can also provide generators and lights when you need our crews to be working through the night. If you need snow made for your construction project in Northen BC or Alberta give us a call or email us today.
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